"Dear Pretentious Hat Man,
I see you're new to the blog game, and congratulations on your first post. However, your music blog aside, do you actually have any experience in the field of non-musical blogs? Just that mine isn't doing too well at the moment and quite frankly I could use some pointers.
Edgar "Pint Glass" Falsworth Partingston
P.S. Please don't print my real name, it's the only thing between me and a libel suit."
Well Edgar, to answer your question, let me don the hat of pretension!

A blog? Come come my boy, these new kids round the block are strictly old hat (unlike the bleeding-edge caviar store that dons my head this very moment, and yes, I have seen you admiring it from afar), I had an internet diary a good hundred years before anybody's "avi" had been swapped - I updated of a Tuesday morning and my subscriptions were eventually so numerous in number that I had to hire three or four paperboys just to deliver my thoughts and feelings around the neighbourhood. If you will, an entry from 1865:
"Mood - Victorian
Music - Nothing, vinyl records won't be invented for another twelve years
I pulled a sweet wheely on my penny farthing earlier today. Here's a link:
Go to outside my Victorian townhouse and I'll do it again at 12pm and 1pm. Then I'm taking the link down, because in a few decades these houses will become very expensive, my bicycle will sadly fall from fashion's whimsy and I shall more than likely be dead.
But yeah, I'm just kinda feeling blergh. More later."
After a few years of this, I grew weary of waiting for the internet and instead decided to become The Times.
I hope this answered your question, Edgar, and I hope that your debilitating alcohol addiction does not stand between you and your dream of being just like me. If you have a question or a crippling deficiency in your character as Edgar does, feel free to contact me at the address to your right. I promise to have my butler give me the jist of your messages as I eat caviar with forks made of precious ivory and endangered lizards.
Thanks for answering my question and, more importantly, printing my real name, you're banned from my pub. Your hat too. You and your hat are no longer welcome at the Reproba Inn.
These hats are very popular in some magic shows or stage show. It is not popular for daily use.
Bucket Hats
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